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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(40)

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Slowly keerthi became bald
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

Slowly keerthi became bald. I finished shaving her head and now she is completely bald. All her long hair is now dead in her lap. It would take atleast four more years for her to grow it back. I took the razor again and shaved her head to make it smooth and shining. She was looking beautiful even after shaving her long hair off. I could see tears in her eyes while seeing her beautiful long hair lying on her lap. I took her and kissed in her cheeks. Then i took her to the mirror and showed her new look. She was astonished to see her bald in the mirror. She was acting like she's still have hair in her head. I hugged her and kissed on her bald head.

Keerthi: "how am i looking jeeva?"

Me: "You look more beautiful dear." 

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