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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(38)

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Now i took a water sprayer
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

Now i took a water sprayer to wet her hair. I srayed a little amount of water in her hair. Slowly i started sraying water on all directions. I uesd spray up and downwads in her backside to make all her hair wet. Then i took a bowl of water, and used my my hads to take water and pour in the top of her head. The water was running through her hair root and dripping out. I started massaging her head. all her hair was becoming wet. i used more water and made her whole long hair wet. fianlly i just colleted all the wet hair in her back, parted it and put it in her front side on her shoulders. The water was all over her hair. Now i took the straight edge razor and placed a new blade in it. Keerthi was looking at me with smiles in her face. She was touching her long wet hair. She was kissing her long hair and said good bye.

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