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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(37)

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Keerthi turned her back an
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

Keerthi turned her back and allowed me to take full control on her to shave her long hair. First i touched her hair bun. It was huge amd soft. I slowly removed her bun. All her long black hair fell down. The curls of her plait were still there in her hair. Her hair was shinning and soft. I took a comb and started combing her hair. i started from her fore head. Slowly i collected her her in the side, above her ears. The i reached collecting her hair in the nape. Now i'm holding all of her hair together in my hand. It was thick and huge to hold in one hand. I was holding her hair at nape and started combing the remaining lenghty hair downwards. Now i completed combing her hair. Then i ran my fingers throgh her hair. I could feel her hair roots.  I slowly moved my fingers towards side, above ears and then towards backside in the nape. She was enjoying the massage in her head.

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