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[图文]老外剪发故事Never Say Never Prepare to Eat

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老外剪发故事Never Say Never Prep
作者:Eat 来源:Prepare 时间:2011-5-31


“NEVER say NEVER in leisure, or prepare to eat your words with pleasure".    (Emilia’s hair-razing experience).

  Friday mornings in mid April are usually beautiful with still a little of the summer’s waning warmth. Emilia Brakeridge had the day free, what bliss a long weekend, her architect hubby, Martin would be home around 2pm, the twins were away on a school holiday camp until Tuesday, so a surprise late lunch was in store for him,(as today was his birthday)  Em had just decided, they’d go to their favourite secluded beach spot on their new Wave master, open fronted pleasure boat and have a picnic and maybe some afternoon delight, which although Em always enjoyed her lovemaking with Mart, she always felt something was missing on his side, he seemed to be almost somewhere else in his mind and it was so much less frequent now, but she adored him all the same; yes a grand idea. She went to the chicken run (out the back of the house through the large garden they were blessed with) to check for any eggs for a lunch salad. Her waist length, very wavy almost curly,  golden brown  tresses (with hints of other natural silver blonde, russet and even ochre shades) swished over her face, she brushed them aside kind of wishing she still had a shortish fringe or bangs as Martin’s American Mum, Jilly would say. A real great person and Grandmamma  Jilly was, always neat and tidy, her silver blonde hair usually cut in a short precision bob with, yes you guessed, a short blunt fringe but very recently converted to a very short elfin-type crop  and  she was always trying to persuade  Em to go short, Emelia shuddered to think what Martin would say, he was always nuzzling her hair but often had a fit of sneezing afterwards, funny crazy old Mart, he seemed to love  when she wore her hair up in a chignon or little girl pigtails or even brushed to  a ponytail over or below one ear, he was certainly not shy to say openly how much he thought her ears were “so cute and her neck so elegant and, well biteable," although most of the time when he wasn’t around, she liked to leave it loose and kind of wild or piled up in a roll with clasp and tendrils hanging down. She was an arty Interior Designer who mainly did small jobs operating from home, with fairly frequent consultations for clients of her older Brother, a hi-spec project home builder (who worked very closely with Mart).


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