“Now it’s time to start on our total transformation Cherrie", Louis said, taking out a cape and wrapping it around Em who had begun to feel quite relaxed and kind of warm inside. Next a long thin sheet of tissue paper was wrapped around her neck and tucked into the cape. She felt the chair being turned around and leaned back and her head and neck placed gently in the neck-rest of the ceramic bowl that was previously in front of her, warm water started to flow over her scalp and she felt the firm yet gentle hands of Jacqui massaging shampoo into lather on her head. It was sooo soothing along with some soft Peruvian type music she started to hear in the distance."Emilia ma Cherrie, can you ear me?" Louis was saying, Em nodded gently."What is about to ‘appen will totally transform your life forever, do you understand? again another nod, "I need you to answer me yes Louis or no Louis when I speak to you okay?"
“Yes Louis", Em replied obediently, so totally relaxed and apparently transfixed by all that was taking place.
“As I jokingly suggested before, we are going to make a wig from your ‘air, which will be available if you wish to collect it in three weeks from now, but when you experience your new look today, you almost certainly will not want to use it and may well then donate it back to us okay Emilia?", to which she again replied affirmatively.