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[图文]里纳醉剃光头Reena Got Screwed headshaves

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里纳醉剃光头Reena Got Screwed he
作者:Screwed 来源:headshaves 日期:2011-5-28


Reena had just turned 18. Her hourglass figure, 36C boobs and long black hair had begun to attract the attention of the local boys. Reena's mother would wash her hair every Sunday with a special imported shampoo and conditioner, and Reena would spend two hours in the morning brushing and drying it out under the natural sunlight on the roof of her house. Once the boys got to know about it, they took to hanging out at the tea stall across the road, every Sunday, to catch a glimpse of her. Her father worked at the bank, and used to spend his Sundays in front of the TV. 

Reena used to enjoy the attention. She even began to wear revealing clothing in order to attract more boys. Their smiles, winks, and occasional whistles made her feel a hot sensation which she enjoyed very much. To her mother she gave the excuse that she didn't want to get her clothes wet from the water in her hair and so she wore such little clothes. Her mother was a simple woman and believed that. 

One Sunday while she was drying her hair, a stone wrapped in paper fell on her roof. She looked down to see who had thrown it. It was Arun, her neighbor. He was 21, damn handsome, and the cricket captain at college. He was on his black Yamaha Avenger motorbike. He gestured at her to open the paper and read it. 

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