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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(39)

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I asked her to look down.
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

I asked her to look down. I sterted from the left side of her head. I placed the razor in the middle of her forehead and started shaving her head. I moved the razor on her left side of her head towards down. The first lock of her beautiful long hair fall on her lap. slowly i started shaving her head in the next above level. When i moved the razor towards down this time, a huge mass of her hair fell down in her lap.I could see the white patches on her forehead. after that i shaved her hair on her left side above the ears. No the whole left side of her hair is white and she's half bald in the front side. The i moved the right side. I again started shaving her head from her hairline on the right side. Then i shaved her hair on her right side above the ears. Noe her head is completely bald in front side. Then i wnet to backside of her. I started shaving from the top of her head. I moved the razor till the end of nape.

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