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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(41)

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Keerthi: you like it? Shal
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

Keerthi: "you like it? Shall i keep my head bald always?"

Me: "No dear... Your should grow your hair again. Your hair should be as long as you had earlier. I'd like to play with your hair and then shave it. better we shall plan to shave your head once in four years in tirupathi."

Keerthi: "Sure Jeeva. I hope you enjoyed shaving my head like you enjoyed playing with my long hair"

Me: " Yes dear. You've fulfilled my life time dream."

Keerthi: "Okay jeeva. It's getting late. We shall start to Dharsan soon."

Me: "Okay" 

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