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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(33)

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The next morning, i woke u
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

The next morning, i woke up first. As per our plan, i started recording each and every moment of that day. I took the camera and went to her room. Her hair was spreaded all over the bed.She just woke up. She understood that i played with her hair last night. She collected all her hair and made a bun out if it. I went near and kissed her. She hugged me. I laid another kiss on her nape. I caught her bun and sniffed it. She went to refresh her and prepared coffee. After having a coffee, we planned to start the head shave.As usual i'm ready with my camera in video mode. I went her room. We both came together towards camera.

Keerthi: "Dear, is the camera on?"

Me: "Yes keerthi. We're being recorded now?"

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