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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(35)

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Me: Sure dear. You see th
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

Me: " Sure dear. You see that stand attached with belt. I'm going to attach this belt in my hip. So, whatever i do, the camera moves along with me and captures whatever i do" 

Keerthi: "It's a very good arrangemments"

Me: "Okay dear. I'm going to start with combing your hair"

Keerthi: "Okay. Finally my hair is completely yours. I would be happy on hearing the sounds of clippers cutting my hair, razor shavin my hair. Are ready to shave my long hair off? You've got the equipments for that?"

Me: "Yes dear. I'm ready now. I've got a straight edge shaving razor from chennai itself"

Keerthi: "Are you going to cut my long hair first and then  shave it off?"

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