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[图文]老外剪发故事Never Say Never Prepare to Eat(20)

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Hardly a moment passed whe
作者:Eat 来源:Prepare 时间:2011-5-31

  Hardly a moment passed when in bustled Louis, "Wow, wow, wow" he said, “look at you ma Angel  adorable, adorable and I have a visitor for you Madame", he opened a small jar of pomade on the front bench, took a tiny scoop and rubbing it in his hands, he started working it into what was left of Em’s once crowning glory, then he sprayed a fine mist of pleasant smelling ‘protein spray’(he’d said) over her head, following that, he took up a barber’s fine bristle brush and dusted some baby powder onto it and dusted around Em’s ears and neck, pulling down the cape slightly, finally lifting up a small bottle of Yves St Laurent’s  ‘Eau Florale, classique la Femme’ and spayed a little onto Em’s neck and under her chin.


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