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[图文]老外剪发故事Never Say Never Prepare to Eat(16)

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Jacqui was now taking over
作者:Eat 来源:Prepare 时间:2011-5-31

  Jacqui was now taking over with whatever she was going to do and she seemed aware and sensitive to what Em had been experiencing, to which end she offered her a towel with one end moistened in the sink, gesturing to the area under the cape Em was wearing. She gratefully accepted and pulled back the cape and lifted her frilled brown and cream coloured Spanish skirt exposing her stained cream knickers, she blushed but Jacqui just tut tutted in a caring way and went to help her clean herself, noticing the bush of pubic hair on display. Once clean, opening yet another drawer, she pulled out a brand new pair of size ten ladies frilly white knickers from a pack of three, and offered them to Em but then gestured to her and gently said “Sit back Mi Amor, please." Before she knew it, Em was lying back in the chair with her legs up, and Jacqui pumping a pedal causing it to rise. A drape with a square cut out of it, was placed over her private parts and Jacqui was mowing down her bush (with a different pair of smaller clippers), to a stubble, going very carefully around Em’s private parts, the vibration was stirring her up again but she was able to control it this time, next Jacqui was brushing it off and then lathering the area with warm shaving foam, she took up Louis’s razor and re-sharpened it before going again very carefully but purposefully over the whole area, after which she wiped it, with a clean moist flannel and then sprayed a very light florally perfume over it causing a slight tingly yet not unpleasant feeling, finally, she dusted some baby powder over it and sat Em up and helped her put on the new panties and to redress. “Zat weel be so much better for you and your ‘usband Cherrie, trust me on zees.

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