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[图文]老外剪发故事Never Say Never Prepare to Eat(12)

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Now, what had Em not carin
作者:Eat 来源:Prepare 时间:2011-5-31

  Now, what had Em not caring a fig about what was happening to her, was a single, simple little bean which, not unlike coffee, (when roasted and ground) came out to a quarter of a teaspoon and totally dissolved easily into coffee or any beverage, even soft drinks, giving a very slight nutty flavour almost unnoticeable, just that one quarter of a teaspoon was sufficient? The wonderful thing about the substance of this tiny, dynamic bean (about half the size of  an average person’s index fingernail ) was that it has absolutely no harmful side effects nor is  it strictly addictive (not even to the point of a coffee bean) yet it creates feelings of almost total euphoria whilst completely helping a person to relax and forget about how things might have been, but rather how they could be, one could easily be persuaded or (for want of a not so user-friendly term these days) manipulated into a very long term or permanent situation, which they might never have even contemplated or even wanted, they become totally compliant, even to hypnosis of any sort, yet still being able to operate seemingly normally, even driving etc, until it wears off after about four to five hours, without much care of what takes place in those few hours . This substance grows wild in a few parts of Tahiti, the Bahamas’, Polynesia, Africa and in this part of Australia and can be cultivated. There is something to do with the soil it prefers, which is what attracted Louis and his wife to this attractive town in the first instance. It grows in abundance in the higher ground above the estuary and still no one knows too much about it, except a fortunate few like the St Rezors. Unfortunately owing to its effects, the name here is withheld to avoid it falling into the wrong hands. Added to that, the population in this vibrant place is around eighty thousand, a wonderful coastal resort not too far from the nearest capital city.

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