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[图文]老外剪发故事Never Say Never Prepare to Eat(14)

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Next, he opened another dr
作者:Eat 来源:Prepare 时间:2011-5-31

Next, he opened another drawer in front and pulled out a barber’s razor and from the side of the chair (just like in an old fashioned barber’s salon) he lifted up the end of a razor strop and started stroking the razor up and down to sharpen it. When satisfied he let go of the strop and stroked the razor lightly up his arm, removing a small strip of hair and smiled, then he started on the top of Em’s head, releasing the chignon he lifted up the hair and holding the ends started slicing backwards through it with the razor, moving rapidly backwards in sections with this razor technique, he sliced a lot of volume out of Emilia’s hair. Fairly soon though, he put the razor down and took up the clippers again, still with the number one attachment, and passed it over Em’s eyebrows, neatly mowing them down close and said to Jacqui, "Ma Amor, après ‘ sil vous  plaiz", she nodded and Louis quickly translated for Em that his wife would do more with her eyebrows after he was finished with the cut, not exactly sure what that meant, she just responded with a weak smile. After this, he wet the hair again and combing it down to the right side, over her ear, he took a different pair of scissors from his shirt pocket and he pulled down the hair over the ear and started cutting from just over the ear, backwards, up in a diagonal line, to the occipital bone, informing Em that with her hair being wavy, once dry, it would sit just above the top of her ear towards the front. He then he started snipping away at the front, forming a serrated sloping fringe from the left parting to her right ear.

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