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[图文]老外剪发故事Never Say Never Prepare to Eat(17)

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Now please sit back and en
作者:Eat 来源:Prepare 时间:2011-5-31

Now please sit back and enjoy ze rest." And placed a small headrest into the chair’s top. A further tap came on the door, “Oui", Jacqui called and the young girl Sammy, who’d shown Em to the cubicle earlier, wheeled in a stand on casters containing numerous lamps in different positions and a U-shaped metal basin with a long power cord, which she plugged in somewhere low down to Em’s right side."Please shut your eyes now mi Amor" Jacqui softly requested of Em and began to spray a very pleasant liquid onto Em’s face, head and neck, moving the cape down and spraying almost to her shoulders.  The lamp stand was wheeled in behind her and the u-shaped bowl fitted loosely around her neck, into which the young girl poured water from a jug to nearly full. Within a few seconds, eyes still closed, Em was aware of the lamps being switched on and a wonderful heat being generated onto her, like being in the sun."A few minutes with zees, will compliment ze rest of your tan and take away zer white areas where your ‘air ‘as been cut Emilia, so it looks more natural yes?"Em nodded gingerly.

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