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剪发系列Another Assignment

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剪发系列Another Assignment
作者:Another 来源:Assignment 时间:2011-5-31

I hate it when I'm pushed for time. I always like to arrive a couple of minutes in advance of any appointment, whatever it is for, just so that I can check out the lay of the land. It must be some sort of instinctive need to plan for an escape. It was never more needed than last night, and it had never been as ineffective as it proved. I played out the events of yesterday evening in my mind once more.

I walked briskly to the salon door and pushed it open, trying to control my breathing as I did so.

"Hi, I'm Amy Wilson. I'm Paula's model" I said, pleased that I had managed to get that out without sounding too asthmatic.

"Ah, yes" the receptionist said "Paula said that you'd be coming in. I'll just get her for you".

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