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Chinese-English translation:

Emil Adolf von Behring, a German physician, bacteriologist, and serologist, was given the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. His work on serum treatment for diphtheria earned him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1901.

The bacterium that causes diphtheria, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, is the source of the disease. In most cases, the symptoms emerge within two to five days of infection with the pathogenic bacteria. A painful throat and a fever are the most common initial symptoms. Gray or white plaques may form in the throat of those who have the condition in its most severe form. These plaques can obstruct the patient's airway, resulting in a barking cough that sounds like a dog. Swollen lymph nodes will cause some swelling in the neck. Diphtheria can also infect the skin, eyes, and reproductive organs, as well as the lungs. Proteinuria, myocarditis, and inflammation of the nerves are all potential side effects, as might bleeding if thrombocytopenia is present. An irregular heartbeat can be caused by myocarditis or by neuritis, which can lead to paralysis.

Aside from direct contact or droplets, diphtheria can spread through contaminated materials. It is possible that even if a patient does not show any signs or symptoms, they can still transmit the disease to others. Each of the diphtheria bacilli kinds causes a distinct degree of illness. It is common for post-infection symptoms to be induced by bacteria-produced exotoxins. Getting a sample of the throat for culture and observing how it looks can help with the diagnosis of tonsillitis. Those who have been exposed to the virus in the past are still at risk of contracting it in the future.

Behring created an antitoxin in the 1890s that did not kill diphtheria but instead inhibited the toxin from entering the patient's system. Anti-diphtheria serum, which he discovered and developed, earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

During the time of the Kingdom of Prussia, Hans Behring was born in Hansdorf (now in Poland), a small village in the Rosenberg county of West Prussia. He is the fifth of twelve children. His father was a teacher in a poor rural town. Through numerous scholarships, he graduated from school with his academic prowess. To acquire a scholarship to study medicine, which he had always aspired to, he enlisted in the military and became a medic. The fact that he was a medical student in the military meant that he could earn money while he studied.

He began his studies at the Kaiser Wilhelm Military Academy in Berlin, Germany, on October 2, 1874, and graduated in 1878 with a PhD in military science. In 1889, Robert Koch invited him to the Berlin Institute of Infectious diseases, where he spent the next year studying infectious disease. In 1890, he laid the groundwork for serum therapy and identified the antitoxin for tetanus. Beginning in 1891, he began working with Paul Erich on a project to discover antitoxins for diphtheria. This triumph led to the eventual abolition of the terrible disease.

A university professorship was sought for Behring by the Prussian Ministry of Culture in 1892, so that he might have more freedom to work and get finance for his own research projects. Because of conflicts between Behring and Koch, the relocation became increasingly essential. Behring was made Distinguished Professor of Health at the University of Halle in the winter of 1894-95.

University of Marburg professor and head of the Institute of Health Research Behring was appointed in 1895. As a precursor of today's Dering Company, Behring was created here in 1904. In 1917, at the age of 67, he succumbed to pneumonia in Marlborough, New Hampshire.

A nobility was bestowed upon him for his work on serum therapy and passive immunity, which he used to cure diphtheria. He was the first recipient of the Physiology or Medicine Nobel Prize in 1901.

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