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剪发系列Another Assignment(33)

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There was no way that Rob
作者:Another 来源:Assignment 时间:2011-5-31

There was no way that Rob could deal with the new me. That part of my life was definitely over and I just had to find someone who could deal with something a little out of the ordinary and enjoy it to the full. Would that be a man with hair? To start with perhaps, I mused.
I stood up and walked with Paula to the lobby. I saw the receptionist's eyes widen as I got closer.

"This will be you tomorrow, Linzi" Paula said.

"No way!" she exclaimed before realising that she had reacted a little too quickly in front of a client.

I smiled at her.

"If you'd told me yesterday morning that I would be standing here with a shaved head, I would have laughed at you. See how you feel after tonight. Give it a try, it'll grow back if you don't like it."

"I'll think about it" she said quietly.

I looked at Paula.

"I couldn't do it before the competition, but come and see me next week for a touch up and you never know, young Linzi and I might both have gone for the barely there look."

"Good luck for tonight, both of you" I said.

"Thanks" they said in unison.

Paula saw me digging in my bag for some money.

"Don't worry about it, it was my pleasure" she said.

We both smiled as we both knew that much of the pleasure had been mine.

"I'll see you next week then" I said.

"I'll put you in for the same time, is that okay?"

I'll look forward to it" I said and left the shop.

I walked down the street, smiling inside. I had left my hair behind and I had left Rob behind. The only way to go was forward. Well, the only way to go was to the beauty shop down the road as one thing I had been thinking about while Paula was shaving me was that it will look really odd unless 'top' and 'bottom' matched. I have never gone completely bare down there, a radical trim from time to time when I was on holiday, but never bare. Now was the time to try something else new. I'll let you know how it works out...

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