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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(5)

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Since my Mom is not in hom
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

Since my Mom is not in home, i got myself ready to open my secrets to my friend keerthi. I took her to my room.  I showed her some photos with long hair. Keerthi was looking at those photos with interest. The folder has more than 200 photos with long hair. While watching this she was staring at me.

Keerthi: "Jeeva, do you really love hair this much? why don't you share this with me at all?"

Me: "Keerthi, i love long hair. I always wanted to tell you that i love to hold your hair in my hands. I love to smell and kiss your hair. But i hesitated to say because of our friendship. I don't want our friendship to break for this reason"

Keerthi: "Jeeva, why did you hesitate to say this to me? I'm always a good friend for you.If you'd have told me this, i'd always let you to touch my hair."

Me: "Is it true keerthi? You dont get back your words right?"

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