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[图文]老外剪发故事Never Say Never Prepare to Eat(23)

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“Like it? Like it? He gas
作者:Eat 来源:Prepare 时间:2011-5-31

“Like it? Like it?"  He gasped, “I absolutely ADORE it my Baby, you could never know how long I’ve waited for this moment", he sobbed in joy as Em got up after being released from her cape and tissue-paper tapes around her neck, no words could describe how stunning she looked. . She instinctively lifted her right hand up to the back of her neck and started running her hand up the back of her head immediately enjoying the transitional sensation from bristle to soft velvet, a feeling she would now have for the rest of her life. But hang on a moment, a familiar voice could be heard just outside the cubicle, near the reception.A soft husky Southern Californian accent, was that Jilly? How could she be here as well? Em called her name and next thing the ever friendly, smiling person herself came treading cautiously in."Emilia, is that you, me Darling? Oh so sorry, I thought I heard my Daughter-in-law, Marty what are YOU doing here? What IS happening? Em, Em My goodness it IS you, oh, oh my, how gorgeous you look, let me check you out!"

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