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作者:hairworld 来源:长发世界 更新:2006-7-17




6、徐小姐——第一次见到徐小姐也是通过车窗。当时我乘坐31路车去上班,当车行驶到二疗车站附近时,我看到车外马路的人行道上正走着一位长发姑娘。她修长的身材,身着浅色衣裤。她的头发真叫长,梳成的独辫儿过了膝盖,要披散开,肯定够着地了。在马路上我还是第一次见到这么长的头发。后来在一次下班的路上我碰到了她,聊起来才知道,她姓徐,正在一家银行实习,这家银行距离我所在的单位不远。她告诉我,长发已经留了整整13年了,爸爸妈妈喜欢,她也喜欢。头发有多长,她也说不上,散开的话到地了,她身高1.65米,大概能有1.7米左右吧。说到长发的梳洗,她认为不费什么事,已经习惯了,每天早上梳头大概花去10多分钟,那么长的辫子几分钟就编好了。十多年来,她一直梳辫子,从来没有尝试过别的发型,她觉得这样挺好的。留长发确实要付出许多,没有毅力和耐心,没有一点牺牲精神,长发是很难留那么长的。 我问她,我是不是很冒昧?她没有回答。我又问她:“你碰到过像我这样在马路上问起你长发的人吗?”她说:“没有,你是第一个”。她说话最大的特点是表情严肃,不露笑容,问一句答一句,没有半句废话。从那以后,每次上下班我都十分留意,希望能再次遇到她,只为能看一眼她的长发。后来,我还见到她两次,每次我们都只是说上几句话,互相问候一下。当然我也会看两眼她的长辫子。再往后,就没有再见到她了,或许是她实习结束,回学校了,或者找到了一家新的单位,就不得而知了。

下面是我在戴月琴长发俱乐部(英文)发的一个帖子,讲的就是上面这段经历,有兴趣的朋友可以看看。发贴时间是2001年5月29日 (星期二)。

a long beautiful braid

Last year,in summer,I went to office by No.31 bus.When the bus get to the ErLiao stop,I saw a girl walking on the road near the stop.She has a long braid.her braid reach under her knee.It's very beautiful,there are few braids like this in our life,I think.I'm very regret that the bus start,I can't saw her and her braid.Since then I often think about that long braid.About a week later, I saw her on the same place.I'm very glad.Oh,she is in a white shirt,a long black braid drop down,beautiful! If she is in a white skirt , will be more beautiful,I think.I guess she must work or study nearby.I want to have a meeting with her.The next day, I got to the Erliao bus stop early,stand on the road she ofen through to wait for her.after several minutes ,she come up,oh very good! I followed her so that I can watch her long braid carefully.Her braid is very black and bright,its tail moved right and left as she's wonderful.I get to near her.
"How are you,longbraid girl!"
I call her "longbraid girl".
She was surprised and looked at me carefully.
Then she said "Thank you " in low voice.
"Let's go together,all right?"
"Ok!"she said.
"Your long braid is very beautiful.How long did you keep it ?"
"About 13 years."
"You like long hair,didn't you?"
"Yes,I always in briad,I like long briad.My parents like too."
" You spend much time on combing the long braid,didn't you?"
"No,only about ten minutes"she said.
"Will you keep it long and long ?"
"Yes.I 'll keep it""Where did you work ?"
"In a bank.I begin to work for about a month"
"Oh" this is the reason which I hadn't see her before.
"I will get my unit,goodbye!"she said
"Excuse me,may I ask the last question?"
"Did you see man like me?"
"NO,you is the first one.I must go .Goodbye" she answered.then went to her unit.
"Oh.I 'm the first one" I took the last look at that long beautiful braid, then turn back and go...... Then I have two times to go with her together,she tell me her name is XuHong,about 1.70 metre high,her hair just reach the floor.I didn't ask her age.But I guess she is 20 years old or so.Although I didn't meet her to see her's,but I ofen dreamed that beautiful long braid......

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