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[图文]安妮的头发被剪了 Anne's longhair Has to Come Off(4)

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Anna’s mother laughed. At
作者:Anne 来源:longhair 时间:2011-5-25

Anna’s mother laughed. At a quarter to seven? Well, that’s fine. Anne and I will be there."

“Not in my life", Anne responded, run into her room and closed the door with a bang.

The woman in the salon had asked them to come after the normal working hours, when there weren’t any other customers in the salon. She assured Anne’s mother that they were used to difficult teenagers and knew how to handle them, but it would be better when there were no other customers there.

Anne’s mother took a deep breath. Now she only had to get Anne into the car at seven, then the hairy times would be over.

Without some gentle force it wasn’t possible. Anne cursed and scratched, but when she felt her mother’s firm grip on her wrist, she understood that she wasn’t going to be able to avoid going to the salon.

She was sitting like a slighted sausage on the backseat of the car, and twisting a strand of long hair around her finger. What could happen? We’re living in a state of law and order, where no hairdresser could just cut off her hair, or could she?

When they had arrived at the salon, Anne’s mother had to knock on the window, to be allowed to enter.

“Hello Mrs. Long, Hello Anne, it’s been a long time since you weren’t here. Anne blew through her nose and looked demonstratively in another direction. She knew the hairdresser. Her name is Sanni or Sandy, something like that, and she had always cut her hair too short when she still was a child. Anne didn’t like her.

“You can sit here."

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