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[图文]安妮的头发被剪了 Anne's longhair Has to Come Off(3)

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That was really cruel, but
作者:Anne 来源:longhair 时间:2011-5-25

That was really cruel, but Anne was now in the mood for being cruel.

Her mother had insulted her hair. And it even was true that father liked long hair, like most men. During her childhood he had always prevented her mother from cutting her hair, once at the last minute.

After that, they both had their first row.

“Anne, I’ve had enough. Your long hair gets off, without any when or but."

“You can’t make me", Anne answered stuck up.

“That remains to be seen."

Anne’s mother phoned the hair salon.

“If you think you can make me go the hair salon, you’re mistaken", Anne bluffed in the background, when a friendly woman was answering the phone.

“Hello, Long here. Good afternoon. I’d like to ask for something special."

Anna crossed her arms in front of her breast and sulked.

“My daughter’s hair has to be cut off, but against her will; can you do this?"

Anne couldn’t hear what the woman at the other end of the line said.

“Fourteen. Yes, at this age they are the worst."

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