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[图文]安妮的头发被剪了 Anne's longhair Has to Come Off(15)

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Shaving of the eyebrows wa
作者:Anne 来源:longhair 时间:2011-5-25

Shaving of the eyebrows was over so quickly, that Anne almost wasn’t aware of it. Just a little bit of lather, one quick stroke over them with the razor, and there only remained two strips of lighter skin; where formerly   her slightly arched eyebrows had been. Anne thought that she was now looking a bit alien like.

But this gave the style more kick. She was happy to have got rid even of this last remainder of hair. Her eyelashes she’d pull out at home.

Did I really think that?

Anne twitched. She really was determined, to get rid even of the last remnant of hair in her face.

In the meantime Sandy continued working on the little horns. The dye had been absorbed and the remnant could be rinsed off. Anne had to lean her head back and Sandy rinsed off the rest of the shaving foam in the washbasin together with the remaining dye.

When Anne raised her head, her bald head was reflected under the light of the fluorescent lights. She was overcome with a high mood. She couldn’t restrain herself anymore, she had to feel that she didn’t have any hair anymore; nothing was holding her hands under the styling cape.

“Stop, Anne, I can understand that you can’t wait anymore until you can feel your bald head, but before that I still need to finish these nice little horns, which your mother wants you to have."

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