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[图文]安妮的头发被剪了 Anne's longhair Has to Come Off(12)

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“Good that you’ve finally
作者:Anne 来源:longhair 时间:2011-5-25

“Good that you’ve finally realized that your disgusting hair has to come off. But I want a little bit of you bangs to stay as a remainder of your formerly long hair, which was so important for you. I want that two hair bunches are dyed bright red and with hair setting lotion shaped into two horns. Then you’ll finally look, as it matches your nature, you little devil. That horrible long hair was much too well behaved."

Anne winced. With such a haircut she’d surely be the conversation theme at school. This hairstyle was so outstanding, that it would be … cool again. In her head some ideas began to take shape. Her tight black dress would go well with it; as well as platform boots with mesh pantyhose and a riveted collar. Yes a riveted collar is something she had wanted for a long time.


“Yes, my darling?"

If I agree to have my hair cut so extremely short, may I then wear a riveted collar?"

“Anything you want, my darling. I will even allow you to get some piercings; the main thing is that this disgusting hair comes off."

Anne barely could grasp her luck.

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