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[图文]姊妹剪发Sisterhood of Longhair(5)

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While I was very proud of
作者:Sisterhood 来源:Longhair 日期:2011-5-25

    While I was very proud of my girls’ transitions and their amazing manes, it was clear from early on that my hair was in a class of its’ own. As my hair grew down past my back and my waist something about my development made it thicker, healthier, and shinier than it had ever been in my life, making it a head of hair that any girl would kill for. By the end of high school I still had the longest hair of anyone in our little group, and it fell in a perfect silvery blond waterfall all the way to the top of my butt with the ends usually flipped out slightly, and as my hair grew longer and healthier and my body filled out perfectly my nicknames gradually began to change as well into more flattering things than “Casper" and Ghost". In fact, as our group began to come into their own we became known through the school as “The Sisterhood of Hair".

    So high school was a rebirthing process for all of us, and our senior year was like a whole new outlook on life with our new found confidence, looks, and most of all, manes of hair. Each of the four major dances that year ended with one of us taking the crown for queen (I myself had been crowned Homecoming queen), and although we had a great time during that year we looked onward to college after our high school adventure. We did everything together even during college, making sure to share a meal at least three times a week, but it was usually more like seven or eight, and most weekends we spent with each other as well.


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