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[图文]姊妹剪发Sisterhood of Longhair(22)

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We left the restaurant and
作者:Sisterhood 来源:Longhair 日期:2011-5-25

We left the restaurant and drove back to Jenny’s place, and as Jenny continued to stroke her hair absently my heart ached every time I saw her beautiful hair flutter with the movement. When I first proposed growing out our hair in high school Jenny had been the most excited to do it, and now in mere moments she was going to feel like an outcast until another one of us fell victim to our damning events.

“Make yourself at home girls, I’ll go get some drinks." Jenny started to trot towards the kitchen, but stopped when Nicole grabbed her hand.

“Jenny wait, there’s something we need to tell you."

“What? What’s wrong?" Jenny asked as she sat down, a look of worry spreading over her pretty face. We each reached into our purses and pulled out three crisp envelopes with the name JENNIFER written on them. Upon seeing them I expected Jenny to turn white with fear, but instead she just sighed and smiled. “Oh I know already, I could tell when I walked into the restaurant that I did something. And the way you were stroking my hair Tracie? Be a LITTLE more subtle next time." A smile spread across her face, but I could tell there was some worry in there too. “So what did I do?"

We opened our envelopes and showed her the papers inside, which all had “SWITCH TO CONTACTS" written on them. “Wow, I never even thought of that one!"

“I’m so happy you’re OK with this Jenny!" I said, I had been terrified that my friend was going to go to pieces when she found out she was about to lose her locks, but she seemed perfectly OK with it.

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