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[图文]姊妹剪发Sisterhood of Longhair(13)

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“So what now? I asked as I
作者:Sisterhood 来源:Longhair 日期:2011-5-25

“So what now?" I asked as I stroked my perfect platinum mane, a mane which I had just placed in horrible danger of being taken from me at any given moment. When this was all said and done how much time would I really have left with my silky hair? A year? A month? A week? Tonight? I didn’t know.

“Now, we decide what needs to happen for us to lose our hair. I’ve been thinking about this night for a while now." Mary said with a smile as wide as her face.

“I’ll bet you have. “ Jenny said as she took off her glasses and began cleaning them again nervously. She had been growing irritated by her glasses the last few weeks, but strangely, she hadn’t brought up the idea of switching back to her contact lenses yet. “How do we decide what these criteria are exactly?"

“Well, it has to be something that’s not going to be likely to happen soon, but definitely could eventually." Mary replied.

“So how do we decide?" Nicole asked, running her fingers through her silky hair as she attempted to fluff up her mane. It was clear that Mary’s idea to reinvigorate our love of our hair had clearly worked.

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