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[组图]Jocelyn鼓起勇气 剪了个板寸

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Jocelyn鼓起勇气 剪了个板寸
作者:Jocelyn 来源:板寸发型 更新:2008-3-25

    Jocelyn has a pretty face and a wonderful smile but is a bit curvier than our normal model.  I wonder how a short buzzcut will look on Jocelyn.  Her hair is gathered into a high ponytail and buzzed off with clippers.  The No. 2's start on top and soon only the bangs are longer than 1/4".  The sides and nape are faded high with the No. 1's and the bare clippers.  The bangs are cropped super short to a near flattop.  A straight razor cleans around the edges.  Jocelyn's amazing smile really shines with her short black buzzcut.  It suits her quite well

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